作为我们护理课程的学生,您将在教室和我们最先进的护理实验室接受实践培训. 你将在密尔沃基大都会地区从事临床工作,为成人健康领域的各种弱势群体提供直接的患者护理机会, 心理健康, 儿科, 和妇产科. 你还将体验一个文化健康诊所,它提供了一种沉浸式的海外体验,或者有机会与当地社区的弱势群体一起工作. 在课程的最后一个学期,120小时的实习将帮助您从学生角色过渡到专业护士.
我们护理课程的毕业生进入职场作为基督徒仆人领袖谁准备提供全面, high-quality patient care in a variety of settings.
Local Clinical Opportunities
信誉最好的网投平台排名,您将获得我们的护理学学士学位(B.S.N.)项目. 我们独特的地理位置和课程设计为您提供了参与各种临床经验的机会. 我们的护理学生在住院康复单位从事临床工作, assisted living facilities, 小学, 长期护理, and occupational health and community settings. Froedtert Hospital (a Level 1 Trauma Center) and Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, located across the street from WLC, as well as numerous other medical centers across Milwaukee, 为学生提供定期参与急症护理的机会.
Preparing the Next Generation of Christian Professional Nurses
我们的毕业生国家委员会考试(国家护理委员会全国委员会[NCLEX-RN])的结果和毕业生的就业率反映了WLC护理项目的高质量和严谨性. 我们最近的毕业生第一次考试合格率为94%,100%的毕业生在毕业后四个月内就业 at healthcare settings in Wisconsin and 全国范围内.
WLC nursing alumni currently hold desirable positions in emergency rooms, intensive care units, 创伤的单位, 妇产科医师单位, 肿瘤科. They currently work at Froedtert Hospital, Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center, Aurora Sinai Medical Center, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 和哥伦比亚街. Mary's Hospital, as well as a variety of other settings throughout the nation.